Client Library
If you have a Node.js application which wants to access Domino resources with OAuth authorization securely, you can use node-iam-client library to handle your application's OAuth 2.0 flow. The library helps your application to interact with IAM server.
To use IAM Client library, install node-iam-client library as a npm dependency of your Node.js application.
Let's assume you are developing a Node.js client application. The package.json
file of the client application is in /my-client-application folder.
Then you can use the following command to install node-iam-client from the downloaded package: domino-node-iam-client-1.4.0.tgz
cd /my-client-application
npm install /path/to/domino-node-iam-client-1.4.0.tgz --save
Run Examples
IAM client library includes several examples to demonstrate the usage. Uncompress domino-node-iam-client-1.4.0.tgz, then you can find all the examples under the examples sub-folder.
To run the examples, see Run examples
OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow
If your Node.js application wants to access Domino resources on behalf of user. It is appropriate to use the OAuth 2.0 Authorization code flow.
For example, a typical use case is: your application wants to use OAuth 2.0 to obtain user's permission to access user's calendar data with Domino Calendar API.
Let's describe a typical OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow in short.
Your application wants to access Domino Calendar API on behalf of user, so it
redirects user to a login page in IAM to obtain the user's consent. User log in with
his credential in IAM and decides whether to proceed or not. With user's
consent, IAM will redirect the user back to a callback url of your application with
a set of "Tokens". Then, your application can use the access_token
in the token
set to access Domino Calendar API.
Let's see how Client application library helps your application to interact with IAM server in this scenario.
Obtain OAuth2 Access Tokens
Step 0: Register client application
Before you start implementing OAuth flow, Use IAM Admin Server to register a client.
To use OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow, the Node.js application must be
registered as Server-Side Application
in IAM Admin Server, which means
your application must have the ability to keep information private. e.g. The
client secret.
copy the client_id and client_secret from the registration result page.
Step 1: Create IAM client
Your first step should be create a IAMClient instance with the information you got from Step 0 section.
The following metadata should be provided to initiate an client instance.
The createInstance
API accepts an options
object. The options
object can have
the following fields:
Field | Description |
iam_server | [required]The IAM server url |
client_id | [required]The client ID of the client application |
client_secret | [required]The client secret of the client application |
redirect_uri | [required]The callback uri in client application. IAM server redirects user back to redirect_uri in client application. |
httpOptions | [optional]The additional http options used by IAM |
const clientOptions = {
iam_server: '',
client_id: '6a609abd-53e9-4777-ad46-c882e3324820',
client_secret: 'R/kJYb2ByzXbztHu4+9qSCW2n/JPw5qb8XTzw0THVEjSPECbjQFkAKbJ/pILxxLB',
redirect_uri: '',
httpOptions: {
// for a list of available httpOptions, please refer to:
timeout: 50000,
const iamClient = await IAMClient.createInstance(clientOptions);
Step 2: Redirect to IAM server
Client application should redirect the user to IAM server to obtain user's consent to
access user's data. In this step, client application calls
API to get the redirection url.
The createAuthorizationCtx
API accepts an options
object. The options
can have the following fields:
Field | Description |
scopes | [required]Array of scopes. |
grantType | OAuth2 grant types: AUTHORIZATION_CODE/IMPLICIT |
const options = {
scopes: ['openid','offline_access','','das.freebusy'],
// get IAM authentication url and redirect to it.
const { authorizationUrl, secureCtx } = iamClient.createAuthorizationCtx(options);
The result of createAuthorizationCtx
contains a secureCtx object and the
authorization Url.
- Authorization Url is a Url in IAM server where user can go to authenticate and give his consent to the requested scopes.
- SecureCtx object contains some security nonce to prevent CSRF attack and replay attach. Save the secureCtx in your server (e.g. user session) for later validation.
Then your client application can redirect the user to the authorization Url you got from the previous step.
Step 3: IAM prompts user for consent
In this step, IAM server displays a consent page to the user to let him decide
whether to proceed or not. Then IAM server will redirect the user to the
, which is a callback in your Client application to handle IAM
Step 4: Handle IAM response in callback and obtain Access token
In client registration process, we registered a redirect_uri
. This is the
callback which handles IAM response from consent page.
If user denials access in step 3, the callback will receive a error response and should handle it accordingly.
If user decides to proceed in step 3, we can extract access token (and other tokens) from IAM response.
The getToken
API accepts an options object. The options object can have the following
Field | Description |
request | [required]The koa/express/node request object or a url string |
secureCtx | [required]The secureCtx object |
// get IDToken, refreshTokan, and AccessToken
const tokenSet = await iamClient.getToken(ctx.request, secureCtx);
The tokenSet contains all the tokens got from IAM server.
An Example tokenSet result:
scope:"openid offline_access das.freebusy"
Request Data with Access token
To access domino data, the client application should send the access_token in
the Authorization request header
when access Domino data APIs.
Authorization: Bearer { access token value}
Authorization: Bearer kJYb2ByzXbztHu4+9qSCW2n/JPw5qb8XTzw0THVEjSPECbjQ
Refresh Access token
If client application requests for offline_access scope, a refresh token will be sent back along with access token.
Client application can use the refresh token to obtain a new access token without prompt to the user. Typically client application refreshes token set when access token is expired.
Field | Description |
token | [required]refresh token |
const newTokenSet = await this.iamClient.refreshToken(tokenSet.refresh_token);
The refreshToken
API returns a new token set including a new access token.
Note that the new token set also contains a new refresh token, the original
refresh token will be obsoleted.
The refreshToken
API may throw an error if the refresh token itself is expired. In
this case, the client application should obtain new tokenset with user consent.
See Obtain OAuth2 Access Tokens
Token introspection
The introspection
APIs return detail information about a token.
Introspect access token:
Field | Description |
token | [required]access token |
const introspectionResponse = await iamClient.introspectAccessToken(tokenSet.access_token);
Introspection Result example:
"active" : true,
"sub" : "cn=Test User",
"client_id" :"05e4279a-30ad-4d90-960c-4ad6cb46d2a1",
"exp" : 1541559370,
"iat" : 1541555770,
"sid" : "38882033-7d70-4370-957f-5fb6a7e076e9",
"iss" : "",
"jti" : "LbS6bQYxcVrf~_ihknkMXsnMvctRdvuvA724qppVBn2",
"scope" : "openid offline_access das.freebusy",
"notes_dn" : "cn=Test User",
"email" : ""
Introspect refresh token:
Field | Description |
token | [required]refresh token |
const introspectionResponse = await iamClient.introspectRefreshToken(tokenSet.refresh_token);
OAuth 2.0 Client Credential Flow
If your Node.js application want to access Domino resources on behalf of application itself, it is appropriate to use the client credential flow.
The client credential flow is relatively simple. Node.js application asks for an access token from IAM server with its client ID and client secret. Then it can use the access token to access Domino resource on behalf of the application itself.
NOTE: Client credential flow may be useful when your application needs to acquire an access token to be used with Domino Access Services (DAS). It is not an appropriate way to acquire an access token to be used with domino-db and Proton. If it's configured correctly, Proton already uses a client certificate to authenticate your application. Therefore, if you want to make a domino-db request on behalf of the application itself, you should simply omit the
property from the request.
Let's see how client libraries work in this scenario.
Obtain Access token for client credential flow
Step 0: Register client application for client credential flow
For client credential flow, your client application should also be registered as
Server-Side application
in IAM Admin server.
Step 1: Create IAM client for client credential flow
Use createInstance
API to create an IAM client.
const clientOptions = {
iam_server: '',
client_id: '6a609abd-53e9-4777-ad46-c882e3324820',
client_secret: 'R/kJYb2ByzXbztHu4+9qSCW2n/JPw5qb8XTzw0THVEjSPECbjQFkAKbJ/pILxxLB',
Obtain Access Token
Field | Description |
scopes | [required]Array of scopes. |
const clientTokenSet = await iamClient.getClientToken(scopes);
Request Data with Access Token
To access domino data, the client application should send the access_token in the
Authorization request header
when access Domino data APIs.
Authorization: Bearer { access token value}